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Township Meeting Minutes – October 2022




October 7, 2022 7 p.m.

Board Members Present:Carrie Allord, Jim Guida, Mark Malinowski, Brion Fornshell, and Cassey Veith
Attendees:Dave Keehr

The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The September general meeting minutes were reviewed by the Supervisors in google docs.  Carrie motioned to approve minutes and Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s report as of September 30, 2022, there was $469,677.63  in the bank, including the CD’s. Claims were provided in google docs and copies to sign during the meeting. The claims received by the Supervisors were the following: Dave Keehr- road maintenance; Mark Eckelman- Cemetery Mowing; Brion Fornshell- payroll; Carrie Allard- payroll; Jim Guida- payroll; Mark Malinowski- payroll; Cassey Veith- payroll. IRS- quarterly taxes.

Road review was scheduled for November 1st at noon and a meeting at the St. Mathias Park and Rec. Supervisor Carrie said she would touch base if that does not work for her.

Carrie motioned to approve St. Mathias road mileage certificate, Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.

Town Hall library to close the second week in October. 

Supervisor to review the paint cracking on the Town Hall. 

The request for replacement of a mailbox tabled because the Board is still waiting on an itemized receipt. 

Carrie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m, Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the meeting was adjourned. 


Board Approval Date: 11/03/2022

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