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Township Meeting Minutes – January 2022




January 3, 2022 7 p.m.

Board Members Present:Jim Guidal, Carrie Allord, Mark Malinowski, Brion Fornshell and Cassey Veith
Attendees:Mike Gosse, Rocky Gosse, Clayton Eisle, Jason Keehr, Robert Morgan, Jason Koering, Bob Keoring, Ronnie Roscoe, and Tim Houle. 
Remotely:Paul Keoring

The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The December general meeting minutes were reviewed by the Supervisors in google docs. Jim motioned to approve minutes and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. 

Treasurer’s report as of December 31, 2021, there was $394,237.27 in the bank, including the CD’s. Jim motioned to approve the Treasurer report and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. 

The claims were received by the Supervisors in google docs. Jim motioned to pay bills; Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried with one addition of Clayton Eisel for gophers, along with Dave Keehr- Road Maintenance Carrie Allord- Payroll; Broin Fornshell- Payroll; Jim Guida- Payroll; Mark Malinowski- Payroll; Cassey Veith- Payroll; and IRS- Quarterly.

Rocky Gosse would like to split a parcel of 40 acres into two 20 parcels for his family. St. Mathias Board recommends the split with the notes of the Township will not maintain the road to the parcel and an easement should be in place. 

Crow Wing County representative, Tim Houle, attended the meeting to discuss upcoming work for 131 and the concerns of residents that the road has poor ditches, too narrow with no shoulder, bumpy in places, and the road needs more work than resurfacing. The concerns of 131 have been expressed in the past by the Township Board and resident Robert Morgan. Tim explained the factors of we don’t know what is truly under the road without grinding it up and that is the main problem. Without a really thorough review of all layers applied through the decades the project could go from 1 million to 5 million really fast. Including the time needed to purchase resident’s land to expand the road. The County has been having luck with the resurfacing of roads and they will do a re-seal in year 2 or 3. We have been able to budget for the re-seals of roads instead of waiting until roads need to be re-done due to low funds. It has been on the five year plan and is scheduled for 2022 and bids will be going out in the next couple of months. Paul Keoring explained the County only has so much to spread out to the whole entire Crow Wing County, and traffic and roughness are factored in for all the road projects. Believe it or not 131 is not one of the worst roads, and does not have a high number of traffic compared to other roads needing the repair also. I do see we need to reach out to Township for their concerns when we start evaluating the roads in the future. Paul mentioned he was initially against the sale tax implementation but has since seen the benefit as the County has more money to improve the roads. Option is to postpone the 2022 project however, that means the road will be done this year or even maybe in the next five (5) years. Do you think it’s in the Township’s best interest to wait for a new planned project. Resident Bob Keoring asked if they could take a look at certain areas that would need more work and become a problem for residents.  Paul said he would let the engineers know the areas that need to be reviewed this year for repairs. The St. Mathias Board agree to moved forward with the resurfacing of 131. 

Jim motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30p.m, Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the meeting was adjourned. 


Board Approval Date: 

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