May 6, 2019 7 p.m.
Board Members Present: | Mark Malinowski, Brion Fornshell, Carrie Allord, Jim Guida, and Cassey Veith |
Attendees: | Becky and Mark Eckelman, Ron Malinowski, Kathleen Malinowski, Carleen Koering, Mary Sather, and Robert Morgan. |
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The March and April general minutes were unanimously approved as received by the Supervisors via e-mail, Jim motioned and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s report as of April 30, 2019, there was $225,756.64 in the bank, including the CD’s. Carrie motioned to pay bills, Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5417 through 5425 were unanimously approved and paid. Note check number 5424 was voided due to error in total amount of gopher feet.
Cemetery lawn care contract was signed with Mark Eckelman. Carrie motioned, Mark seconded for Mark Eckelman to purchase and install a new flag and pole.
No quote was received for lawn care of the Town Hall. Supervisors will create a schedule amongst themselves to ensure the lawn is mowed when needed.
Discussed the letter received from the Crow Wing County about mail ballot option for the upcoming election year. They will need an answer by September 2019. Topic was tabled until more information is gathered.
Town Hall Book exchange is meeting tomorrow to clean and discuss times to be open. Carrie motioned, Mark seconded to purchase a porta potty from Felix Gangestad for $350. All were in favor, and the motion carried. It will cost $35 each time it will need to be pumped. It will save money by purchasing one rather than a seasonal rental of $300 each year, plus the cost of pumping. The new door was installed and 10 volunteers are signed up.
Old Business
Jim received a quote from Astech for crack sealing. Option 1 was a FA-2.5 granite for $28,395.40. Option 2 was a FA-2.0 granite for $21,683.76. Option 3 was fog sealing on top of the chip seal for $3,226.75. This is favorable to keep the granite down. Jim motioned, Mark seconded to approve options 2 and 3. This will include pilots, flaggers, and notices of working being done.
New Business:
On April 28th a tree was down on Corner Trail Road. Ron Malinowski had first removed the tree from the roadway and Supervisor Mark clean up the tree from the road side. There was discussion to hire a road maintenance worker but the Supervisors will continue to do the road maintenance. Reminder for Supervisors to fill out an Affidavit Conflict of Interest and to communicate to the other Board Members when work is performed.
Carrie motioned to adjourned and Mark second, meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.
Chair | Clerk |