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Township Meeting Minutes – April 2017




April 3, 2017 7 p.m.


Board Members Present: Carrie Allord, Becky Eckleman, Brion Fornshell,  Jim Guida, and Cassey Veith
Attendees: Frank Miles, Robert Morgan, Dave Keehr, Jody Lodermeir, and Amy Christensen.


The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes were unanimously approved as received by the supervisors via e-mail, Becky motioned and Jim seconded.

Treasurer gave the treasurer’s report. There is $255,551.94 in the bank and it includes the CD’s. Becky motioned to approve treasure report, Jim seconded.

St Mathias Bar liquor license was singed and approved.

Becky motioned to pay bills, Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5242 through 5249 were unanimously approved and paid.

St Mathias Road Review was set for Tuesday, May 2, 2017 starting at 12:30pm at the St Mathias Rec Center.

Jim informed, if burning with a permit, contact the Sheriff Office’s to eliminate any panic call which will dispatch Officers out.

Old Business:

Brion looked into the security with our host and determined we would only need to utilize the cloud for document storage.

New Business:

MAT Training recap: Brion: Supervisors should not be using personal emails for township work. Brion will create new email addresses to use for townships email correspondence.

Cassey: Any emergency decision taking place outside of a general meeting needs to be documented and minutes approved at the next general meeting. Supervisor should be doing a resolution yearly and to include duties of road maintenance. This is will replace filling out the affidavit each time road maintenance is performed.

Jim: Road contracts should be considered annually for snow plowing and grating, including requesting of three (3) bids. Job description of minimum qualifications should be discussed and provided to interested parties.

Brion: Discussion of changes to the open meeting law specifying if two supervisor are to meet, it needs to be documented. Looking into getting a million dollar grant for broad band. Checks should be signed by Treasure, Chair, and the Clerk. If Chair is absent than Vice Chair will sign. Becky nominated Jim as Vice Chair, Carrie 2nd. Wages, gopher bounty, and resolution should not be decided at annual meetings. Annual meeting is for setting levies and not setting individual budget line items.

Becky: Policy should be set for sign maintenance including the barricading of minimum maintenance roads.

Posting a weight restriction on 50th, Crow Wing County has 4 tons posted. May meeting to discuss sending out a notice for 50th closure. Also, verify that our contractors have liability of insurance for 1.5 million, if not the township will have to cover the remaining amount.

Jim: Road authority of weight conditions, if no sign the speed limit is 55mph. When road closure occur we need to contact the Sheriff’s office.

Robert Morgan informed of Haycreek road having tree hangover from the snow storms. Conclusion of the situation was land owners must be informed and asked to remove due to the trees being on private property.

Frank Miles asking about the no leash/running of dogs in the Township ordinance. Township does not have an ordinance so it defaults to Crow Wing County. Owners needs to be contacted about the nuisance.

Becky Motioned to adjourn. Jim seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm











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