May 3, 2021 7 p.m.
Board Members Present: | Mark Malinoski and Cassey Veith | |
Attendees: | Mary Sather and Robert Morgan | |
Remotely: | Brion Fornshel Carrie Allord, and Jim Guida | |
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The April general meeting minutes were received by the Supervisors via-email. Jim motioned to approved and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
The Board of Equalization & Appeals meeting minutes were received by the Supervisors via-email. Jim motioned to approved and Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s report as of April 30, 2021, there was $309,747.26 in the bank, including the CD’s. Jim motioned to approved and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
The claims were received by the Supervisors via-email. Carrie motioned to pay bills; Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. The following claims listed on the agenda were unanimously approved and paid; Dave Keehr- Road Nelson Sanitation & Rental, and MCR- Posting Appeal. Tabled MATIT to investigate cost for coverage of new computer equipment.
Road Review was tabled until month.
Carrie received a call of the road improvement on Corner Trail looks good.
Jim will reach out to Dale DeRosier and Ronnie Roscoe for quotes for 20th Street and recommendation for shaving back the ditch for visibility.
Townhall Book Exchange will open the 3rd weekend in May. Mary found a sign from Froggies in Little Falls but is not sure of the cost. It is a metal frame 3×3 and changeable. They did receive $200 donation to put towards the sign. Carrie motioned to have Mary purchase the sign and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
Dave Keehr cost of road maintenance went from $75 to $85. Sanders cost will be $8.85 per yard of hauling.
Mark will start mowing at the Townhall for the month of May and Jim will start in June.
Jim motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m., Mark seconded. All were in favor, and meeting was adjourned.
Chairman | Clerk |