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Township Meeting Minutes – July 2018




July 2, 2018 7 p.m.


Board Members Present: Carrie Allord, Jim Guida, Brion Fornshell, Becky Eckelman, and Cassey Veith
Attendees: Tim Bray, Paul Koering, Dave Keehr, Jody Lodermeier, Tom Fleischhacker, and Robert Morgan.

The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The June minutes were unanimously approved as received by the Supervisors via-email, Jim motioned and Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

Treasure’s report as of June 30, 2018, there was $221,084.31 in the bank, including the CD’s.

Tim Bray, Crow Wing County Engineer, was present to discuss the letter of safety concerns for 131. Tim informed the Board that 131 is on the 5 year plan and they will be doing a preliminary scooping this fall. He also touched base on the cost would be too high to widen the road. Supervisor Becky asked if after the preliminary is completed this fall we could get a recap of the scope. Tim agreed, because the residents know the area.

Tom asked about options with the end his driveway where the blacktop broke up again after the last storm. Tim collected his information and will send someone to see what can be done.

Discussed a letter receive from Mr. Morshching of concern of water backing up into tillable land. Paul will be bringing a copy to Greg, Land Service, to review. Supervisor Jim will also look into the matter.

Becky motioned to pay bills, Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5340 through 5344 were unanimously approved and paid.

Old Business

Book shelves are already installed in the Town Hall. Still working on finding a door. Supervisor Carrie will call the policy holder to inquiry on the cost increase to have the book exchange at the Town Hall. Becky motioned and Carried second for an allowable increase up to $300. Look into a resolution at the annual meeting for certain time frames to open the Town Hall, including adding a Community Day, to comply with insurance policy.

New Business

Text was received from Mary Sather of concerns of branches covering the stop sign on 50th. Jim and Becky will remove the obstruction.

Carrie motioned to adjourned and Jim Seconded. Meeting ended at 8:20p.m.



Chairman   Clerk  


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