• Township Meeting Minutes –… ST. MATHIAS TOWNSHIP REGULAR BOARD MEETING ST. MATHIAS PARK AND RECREATION CENTER May 6, 2024 7 p.m. Board Members Present:Carrie Allord, Brion Fornshell, Jim Guida,…
  • Township Meeting Minutes –… ST. MATHIAS TOWNSHIP REGULAR BOARD MEETING ST. MATHIAS PARK AND RECREATION CENTER April 1, 2024 7 p.m. Board Members Present:Carrie Allord, Brion Fornshell, Jim Guida,…
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Township Meeting Minutes – May 2024




May 6, 2024 7 p.m.

Board Members Present:Carrie Allord, Brion Fornshell, Jim Guida, and Cassey Veith
Attendees:Dave Keehr and CWC Craig Katzenberger

The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance..

General minutes for April minutes were provided in google docs. Carrie motioned to approve minutes; Jimseconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. 

Treasurer’s report as of April 30, 2024, there was $348,987.93 in the bank, including the CD’s. Claims were provided in google docs and copies to sign during the meeting. Treasurer requested moving $74,320.49 from Fire to Road & Bridge. Carrie motioned to move the money, Jim seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried. The claims received by the Supervisors as the following: Dave Keehr- road maintenance; MAT- spring course; Nelson Sanitation- porta potty; with addition to  two (2) EFT for PERA- retirement and Quickbooks. Carrie motioned to approve claims; Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. 

Anderson Brothers bid for 50th for crackseal or poly-patch. It was advised we would only need crackseal if we plan to seal again in 3-4 years. Jim motioned to approve crackseal, Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. 

CWC Craig Katzenberger attended a demonstration Flock Security. Kristen, representative for Flock, was via- remote. It is a system to help with real time missing persons or investigations. It is not used for facial recognition or for speeding. Only authorized personnel would have access and law enforcement must have a case number to access data. 

After the road review, Jim motioned to approve the installation of a culvert on 20th Street. Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. 

Supervisor, Mark, will start mowing the townhall for the month of May. 

Jim motioned to adjourn the meeting at 08:08 p.m, Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the meeting was adjourned.


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