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Township Meeting Minutes – February 2018




February 5, 2018 7 p.m.


Board Members Present: Carrie Allord, Jim Guida, Brion Fornshell, and Cassey Veith
Attendees: Jason Keehr, Tom Fleischhacker, and Robert Morgan

The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The January minutes were unanimously approved as received by the supervisors via e-mail, Jim motioned and Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.

Treasure’s report as of January 31, 2018, there was $192,922.64 in the bank, including the CD’s. Carrie motioned to pay bills, Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5305 through 5307 were unanimously approved and paid.

Supervisor, Jim, discuss concerns of  a residence on 20th , hill side. Traffic traveling west to east has low visibility. Shall keep in mind for future road reviews.

A call was made for sanding on Dosh Lane, Dosh Road, and 10th

Road maintenance was done on Haycreek of a frozen culvert needing to be chiseled.

Carrie and Cassey completed the Board of Appeals and Equalization training.

Jim motioned to adjourned and Carrie second, meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.


Chairman Clerk


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