December 7, 2020 7 p.m.
Board Members Present: | Mark Malinowski and Cassey Veith |
Attendees: | Carleen Koering |
Remotely: | Carrie Allord, Jim Guida and Brion Fornshell |
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The November general meeting minutes were received by the Supervisors via-email. Jim motioned to approve and Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. The 2020 Board of Canvas minutes were received by the Supervisors via-email. Jim motioned to approve and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carrie.
Treasurer’s report as of November 30, 2020 there was $273,470.39 in the bank, including the CD’s. Carrie motioned to pay bills, Jim seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. The following claims listed on the agenda were unanimously approved and paid; Dave Keehr- Road Maintenance; Dale’s Excavating- Sand; MATIT- Life Insurance; Qtr. 4 payroll- B. Fornshell, J. Guida, M. Malinoski, C. Allord, and C. Veith; Primary and General Election Judges pay- M. Malinoski, K. Markhum, R. Markhum, M. Koering, A. Langshorst, Je. Becker, Ji. Becker, R. Sewell, C. Allord, M. Sather, C. Koering, M. Tautges, J. Guida, B. Fornshell, B. Eckelman, and C. Veith. Add claim for Sanders Construction-sand/salt.
Carrie motioned and Mark seconded to approved the 2021 Polling place resolution.
Township book exchanged donated dictionaries and other books to the program Nexus from Onamia. The program is to help improve 4th to 12th grade students with low reading skills. Carleen has had multiple correspondence with the program and they’re going to donate books back to the book exchange, offered to volunteer, and offered to help with grant writing, if needed.
Posting of extra brushing of the Township will be added to annual meeting and quotes with requested by the April meeting.
Board decided to do a newsletter twice a year. Carrie will look into the cost of post card vs letters. Cassey will look into a current address list. Benefits for informing of meeting times, zoom link/QR code, Township website, and other events.
Discuss of contacting neighboring townships to re-visit the shared roads maintenance cost to ensure we are all on the same page. Jim will contact the Township Clerks and work on a letter for future reference.
Carrie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m., Jim seconded. All were in favor, and meeting was adjourned.
Chairman | Clerk |