August 6, 2018 7 p.m.
Board Members Present: | Carrie Allord, Jim Guida, Brion Fornshell, Becky Eckelman, and Cassey Veith | |
Attendees: | Dave Keehr, Jody Lodermeier, Mark Malinowski, Mary Sather, and Carleen Koering. | |
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The July minutes were table for next general meeting.
Treasure’s report as of July 31, 2018, there was $241,401.37 in the bank, including the CD’s.
Recommended Board Action to appoint Election Judges for the 2018 Primary and General Elections for St. Mathias Township, as on file in the Administrative Services Department, at the rate of $12 per hour for Head Judges and $11 per hour for others who serve, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to fill any vacancies that may occur. Becky motioned and Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
Jim and Carrie will attend the MATT District 8 Meeting Wednesday, August 22 at the Pierz Ballroom.
Carrie will attend the Salt Management Workshop on Monday, August 27th.
Received a letter from Legionville about redistributing or refunding the donation received from St. Mathias Township due to safety concerns. Supervisors had no objections for donation going to a different program.
Old Business
Township Hall Book exchange doors are now open. There was an article in MCR and they will send a reporter when we host the 100th year anniversary. Looking at getting a tent sign and putting information on facebook. Supervisors were good with the advertising, just a reminder to keep the sign out of the right away. After talking with MATT and our Insurance agent, any volunteers working at the book exchange must sign the volunteer form and the form be filed with the Clerk.
Date for the 100th Anniversary of the Township will be on September 15th 9am to noon. We will provide Kool-Aid and cake. The Township will pay or reimburse for cost. See if Mary Tautges will bake the cake. Plan on advertising on facebook, Township webiste, and a sign at the church. We will need to look into a satellite and garbage cans.
Mr. Morschling letter of concerns and the Township has no jurisdiction. Cassey will create draft emails for Supervisors to review to thank Tim for their help and respond to Mr. Morchsling.
New Business
Supervisor, Jim Guida, received a thank you letter from Dahl for the good communication over the years.
Jim will attend an invite for the Mayor Breakfast where all the Townships gather to work with the leaders of the community.
Mark had a question about blown over trees in the ditch and who is responsible for clean up. Becky will contact the resident.
Mark also had question regarding why the ditches are only being mowed once and not twice. Supervisors will add inquiry to the fall road review.
Dave said once the gravel pit is open he will get to St. Mathias Township after Daggett Township is done.
Carleen had a questions about the speed limit. State Law is 55mph
Jim motioned to pay bills, Becky seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5345 through 5349 were unanimously approved and paid
Becky motioned to adjourned and Carrie Seconded. Meeting ended at 8:20p.m.
Chairman | Clerk |
Can the library use any books? I have a hundred or more, like new, hard covers. (I read a lot) I would love to donate them.