January 4, 2021 7 p.m.
Board Members Present: | Mark Malinowski, and Cassey Veith |
Attendees: | Robert Morgan and Dave Keehr |
Remotely: | Carrie Allord, Jim Guida, and Brion Fornshell, |
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The December general meeting minutes were received by the Supervisors via-email. Jim motioned to approve and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s report as of December 31, 2020 there was $303,722.64 in the bank, including the CD’s. Jim motioned to pay bills, Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. The following claims listed on the agenda were unanimously approved and paid; Dave Keehr- Road Maintenance, IRS- Quarter 4 taxes, and Cassey Veith- reimbursement Office Supplies.
2021 re-structing of supervisors is Carrie as Chairman and Jim as Vice Chairman.
Jim and Cassey were sworn in for a 4 years term.
2020 Safety report was document with no reported accidents.
Board decided to have the newsletter be a letter format instead of a post card. The letter will contain the following: monthly meetings being the first Monday of every month, if holiday the meeting the following Tuesday. The zoom info to attend virtual, and the Township website. Also, we will include informative information of dog chasing and burning permit. Lakes Printing had given a quote including the cost of $20 to have the letter mailed.
Jim will reach out to the neighboring Township to ask their input of maintenance on shared roads. A draft letter will be created and sent to the Township lawyers for review after discussion with the Townships.
Mark motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m., Jim seconded. All were in favor, and meeting was adjourned.
Chairman | Clerk |