June 1, 2020 7 p.m.
Board Members Present: | Carrie Allord, Brion Fornshell, Mark Malinowski, and Cassey Veith | |
Attendees: | Dave Keehr and Mary Sather | |
Remotely: | ||
The meeting was called to order by the vice chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The May general meeting minutes were received by the Supervisors via-email. Carrie motioned to approve and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s report as of May 31, 2020 was sent out via-mail after the meeting.
Mark motioned to pay bills, Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. The following claims listed on the agenda Dave Keehr, ECM- MCR, MATIT Insurance Premiums, Cassey Veith- Payroll/Election Judge, Brion Fornshell- Payroll/Election Judge, Carrie Allord- Payroll, Mark Malinowski- Payroll, Jim Guida- Payroll/Election Judge, Mary Sather- Election Judge, Mary Tautges- Election Judge, Becky Eckelman- Election Judge, Carleen Koering- Election Judge, and Mark Eckelman- Cemetery Mowing.
Road review was given by Mark. Noted areas needing trimming and sign replacement. Plan to order signs in bulk so it will be cheaper. Via-email from Jim spraying will happen mid-June and in the fall again. There was confusion if ditch spraying was going to happen in June or July. We will discuss again at the June meeting. A map outlining areas not to spray was done.
Book exchange is open now and they plan to have some signage to encourage social distancing. There is not a lot of people at one time in the building. Mary would like to purchase a universal sign for out front. One where they can change times and dates, also large enough to see from the road. Board will continue to research options.
We are going to have google hangout available for each meeting. Brion will stay home and Cassey will always be present at the park. Supervisors can be present at the meeting or be remotely. Encouraging if you are not feeling well or a family member that is not feeling well, please say home. We will continuing to list bills and limit touching of paperwork.
Carrie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m., Jim seconded. All were in favor, and meeting was adjourned.
Chairman | Clerk |