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Township Meeting Minutes – 2019 Annual Meeting




march 12, 2019 7p.m.

The meeting was called to order by the Clerk with the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendees included Mary Sather, Becky Eckelman, Mark Eckelman, Carleen Koering, Leonard Koering, Carrie Allord, Paul Radomski, Hollie Radomski, Robert Morgan, and Cassey Veith.

Leonard Koering was nominated for moderator, Becky motioned and Paul seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

Carrier Allord read the minutes from 2018 annual meeting. Carleen motioned for minutes to be approved, Becky seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

Treasure report was presented by Cassey and as of December 31, 2018, there was $222,466.30. Becky motioned for treasurer to be approved, Mary seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

Road report was given by Supervisor, Carrie. Roads are reviewed by Supervisors in the fall and spring along with any request by residents. This spring the recommended crack sealing with be done on 50th.

Carrie motioned to keep Road and Bridge levy at $100,000 and Carleen seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

Mary motioned to keep General Revenue levy at $24,000 and Becky seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

Carrie motioned to increase the Fire levy to $18,000 and Mary seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried. The Fire department will start replacing equipment as needed and there will be 1.3% increase in the next years to put money aside for the equipment.

Becky motioned to confirm to continue with Mid MN Federal Credit Union as banking institution and Mary seconded.

Carrie motioned the General Meetings will be on the First Monday of each month at 7pm at the St. Mathias Recreation Center. If Monday is Holiday, meeting will be held the following Tuesday. If inclement weather, the general meeting will take place on the second Monday of the month. Also, the Board of Audit will be reviewed at the March General Meeting.

        Confirm place and time of next year annual meeting, second Tuesday of March 2020 at 7pm located at the St. Mathias Recreation Center. If inclement weather, the annual meeting will take place on the third Tuesday in March.         

Becky motioned to confirm posting boards as St. Mathias Bar and Grill, St. Mathias Recreation Center, and Morrison County Record, Carleen seconded. 

Mark gave the cemetery report. There is one tree that will need to be removed and no damage will happen if the tree falls on its own.  

Becky motioned to donate $250 to Crow Wing County Historical Society, Carleen seconded.

Caleen motioned to donate $250 to Crow Wing County Fair Associations, Mark seconded.

Mary motioned to increase the requested donation amount from $250 to $300 to Crisis Line and Referral Service, Becky seconded.

American Legion School Safety Camp did not send out donation request due to the bog on North Long lake and last year donation was set aside for this year program. It was discussed to send a donation again this year. Carrie motioned to donate $275 to American Legion School Safety Camp, Paul seconded.

Zone 1 responders did not request a donation again this year.

We lost out contract lawn care for the town hall due to department cuts. We will be taking quotes for this summer and must have insurance up to recommend amount of $1,500,000 of general liability coverage.

Recycling with Crow Wing Township which is located in Barrows the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Available is disposing of oil, cardboard, cans, and trash. It is open daily except for the cans bin.

Townhall book/puzzle exchange was given by Mary and Carleen. We have variety including kid books, cook books, puzzles, and board games. There has been more people wanting to volunteer so we should be able to be open more. Overall maintenance and upkeep of the building was discussed. The back wall will need to be looked at and the desk to be removed. Look into grants for improving the building, including solar panels. Becky motioned to put for $2000 yearly for maintenance, seasonal satellite, and other needs for the town hall, Paul seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

It was brought up about the reimbursement of personal phone and internet use since the tax law changed and you can no longer write off use on personal income taxes. Leonard suggestion is to increase pay since it is part of the job to answer inquires via-phone and/or email. The Clerk will send out a survey to gather information of what other township may be doing.

Becky motioned to adjourn meeting and Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.

Meeting ended at 8:15pm.



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