February 4, 2019 7 p.m.
Board Members Present: | Carrie Allord, Jim Guida, Brion Fornshell, Mark Malinowski, and Cassey Veith |
Attendees: | Jason Keehr |
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The January minutes were unanimously approved as received by the Supervisors via-email, Carrie motioned and Mark seconded. All were in favor, and motion carried.
Treasure’s report as of January 31, 2019, there was $229,239.13 in the bank, including the CD’s.
After discussing the quotes from Taxpond, Crust Accounting, and review of CTAS software, Carrie motioned and Mark second to purchase CTAS software for $300. It was recommend by Treasure Brion, also majority of Minnesota townships utilize the program.
Mark and Jim attended the bi-annually County HWY meeting. Representative Rude is working to pass a law that companies will need to be certified to spread salt on roads. They talked about salt over use is causing pollution. Also discussed was the importance of filling road cracks in our area. This year there will be a contractor in the area chip sealing, this will give us an opportunity to piggy back and incorporate some cost savings at an estimate of $22,000 per mile. Jim will contact Rob for recommendation of over sealing or chip sealing.
Old Business
Dale will be on call for heavy snow falls to help plow 50th.
Carrie motioned to pay bills, Mark seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5395 through 5396 were unanimously approved and paid. All were in favor, and motion carried.
Fire department is making a plan to raise taxes to add to capital to purchase trucks in the future.
Jim motioned to adjourn meeting ended at 8:01p.m, Mark seconded.
Chairman | Clerk |