February 6, 2017 7p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present. Also attending were and Mary Sather and Jim Miles.
The minutes were unanimously approved as received by the supervisors via e-mail. Becky motioned and Jim seconded.
Jim Miles mentioned the snow plowing into his field. Jim was waiting for a large amount of snow to assess the situation and come up with an alternative turn around with Dave. It was also noted can’t plow to the south due to drifting on the north.
Boards of Appeal & Equalization will be held at the St. Mathias Park on April 26, 2017 at 1pm.
Treasurer gave the treasurer’s report. There is $263,348.39 in the bank and it includes the CD’s. Bryon received the 1099 and filled into our records. Looked into the cost of a safe deposit box at the Brainerd Mid Minnesota; 10×10 for $65 per year and 5×10 for $40 per year for storage of scanned CD of books. Becky will contact the County Historical Society to see what options the township may have with storing original books. Becky motioned to approve treasure report, Jim seconded. Becky motioned to pay bills, Carrie seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5228 through 5233 were unanimously approved and paid.
Old business of Fire Protection, changed the contract of non-emergency fee and the county will respond. Carrie will continue to be the representative for St Mathias Township at the meetings. At the next meeting being held on February 13th, Carrie will put her interest in being on the board since one board member has stepped down.
Carrie spoke with the summer mowing crew and they plan to continue providing the service. There might be a minor increase in the contract come next spring.
Ordering new stop sign for the township. Replace old style with breakaways. Jim will touch base with county to see if we can find on deal on bulked and save on shipping costs. Also, discussed about purchasing a post hole driver for installation. Carrie motioned for Jim to purchasing signs, Becky 2nd.
OSHA discussion on if Dave is involved in an accident, he would be covered under his insurance. Jim is going to verify if any training is available at the county for board members, including focus around road side clean up.
Annual Meeting will be held on March 14th, 2017 at 7pm.
Brion will provide annual budget at the next general meeting due to him being absent at the annual meeting.
Discussion of using the township hall for a book/puzzle exchange. Only open during daylight hours so no electricity hook-up. One item needed will be shelving. Topic will be brought up at the annual meeting.
Becky Motioned to adjourn. Carrie seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm