NOVEMBER 7, 2016 7p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present. Also attending were Robert Morgan, Jason Keehr, and Carleen Koering. The minutes were unanimously approved as received by the supervisors by e-mail. Carrie motioned and Becky seconded.
Treasurer gave the treasurer’s report. There is $317,557.66 in the bank and it includes the CD’s.
Carrie motioned to pay bills, Becky seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried. Orders issued numbering 5196 through 5203 were unanimously approved and paid.
A road review was done for 50th Avenue. Board members had a conversation with Tim Otremba asking for a grace period to the deadline and allow changes to amend work efforts. Culverts will be replaced to MNDot standards. It was recommend no aprons to be used due to cost. With no aprons, there will be maintenance needed around the culverts in the spring to remove soil. Becky will contact and request in writing the cost of man hours for the job for the board’s records.
The board members completed a road review of the township for brushing clearing and chainsaw work needed. The list of areas will be provided to Keehr when the weather is colder.
Jim completed the board of equalization testing.
The fire department contract is due to change for daycare/small businesses. Fire department will now charge for fire codes reviews.
Keehr will complete regular maintenance for plowing of corner trail and 50th. Dale will be contacted if clean up is needed. Jim will contact Dale about the changes and sanding for the winter months.
Becky after talking with Ryan S. gave an update of the CenturyLink internet. System is not working locating the homes around the area. Becky provided him with a list of address of who might be able to receive connection.
Becky Motioned to adjourn. Carrie seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm. Vendor licensing