September 6, 2016, 7 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman with the Pledge of Allegiance. All board members were present. Also attending were Robert Morgan, Dave and Jody Fischer, Brian Gapinski, Tom Fleischhacker, Peter Lodermeier, Larry Sanders, and Dave Keehr.
The minutes from the last meeting were motioned to be approved by Carrie and seconded by Becky. It was unanimously approved.
The treasurer’s report was given. There is a total of $360,801.70 in the bank including savings and certificates. This was a total of all the levied funds.
Becky motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and to pay bills. Carrie seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
There was discussion concerning the progress of repairing 50th Avenue. Jim reviewed the process so far. The board visited three engineering firms, a local contractor, and also Crow Wing Township which boarders 50th Avenue to get the best information possible on what should be done to fix the road for long term wear. At this time the board is waiting on a bid write-up from Anderson Brothers Construction that would define the specs needed to do the road.
Dave and Jody questioned if the road was to remain a tarred road. The board reassured them that it would remain tarred, but they want to make it better than what is was. The original tarring of the road was done according to what the county specs were at the time. But there were underlying problems such as gophers digging under the road and frost upheavals due the nature of the base of the road. Jim said the process so far has been to not rush into the job because the work needs to be done right by doing the research first.
At this point, it will be a two stage process. First, the road needs to be reclaimed and the base fixed. Then it will be tarred. Hopefully the first stage can be completed this fall with the tarring being done in the early summer of 2017.
As far as financing goes, there is money from when the county paid the township to turn over a county road to the township and a grant is also being sought. The board is concerned about being able to pay for the road and also maintain the roads and afford the yearly expenses of the township.
The board determined at this meeting that, if necessary, there will be a special meeting to get the bid process going so the first stage can be completed this fall. They are waiting on the information on the bid specs. If there is a special meeting, it will be held Wednesday, September 21 at 7 p.m.
Tom was wondering how the road approach issue was going on 50th Avenue where he is doing some farming. He is renting the land from Ray Johanson. The board agreed to meet with him and Ray tomorrow morning to examine the site.
Becky attended a meeting with the county concerning emergency relief money for storm damage that took place in July. She said there would have had to be $3000 in damages to receive any aid. The township only had about $6-700 in damages.
Mary received information from the county that the State of Minnesota wanted each election precinct to have an emergency plan in case something happened on election day. The information needed to be in by September 1. That date preceded our monthly meeting. Debby Erickson from the county election office said that we could accept the counties plan and amend it at a later date. Mary told Debby to go ahead and in the next few months, the board will examine the process and amend if necessary.
Carrie has talked to Joan Koering about Brion taking over the website for the township. Joan Koering has agreed to hand over what she has and resign from the position.
Robert informed the board that the handicapped trail is now mostly completed. There are a few maintenance issues left, but the trail is now open.
Carrie addressed the board about the fire meeting she attended. The township will be getting another bill for more expenses due to training and on-call expenses. And there may be an insurance settlement that will add more expenses.
Carrie motioned to adjourn. Becky seconded. Motion was unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.